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Oishi Sushi

Business Info:

At Oishi Sushi, we take pride in crafting each roll with precision and passion, using only the freshest ingredients to create a symphony of flavors that dance on your palate. Our sushi chefs are true artisans, meticulously hand-rolling vibrant combinations of fish, vegetables, and rice to create visually stunning and exquisitely delicious creations. From classic favorites like the California Roll to innovative fusion creations that push the boundaries of taste, Oishi Sushi offers a diverse menu that caters to both sushi connoisseurs and newcomers alike. Whether you're seeking a quiet lunch or an intimate dinner, our tranquil ambiance and impeccable service ensure a memorable dining experience. Join us as we redefine sushi indulgence, one delectable piece at a time.

Opening Hours:

Monday 11 AM–9:30 PM
Tuesday 11 AM–9:30 PM
Wednesday 11 AM–9:30 PM
Thursday 11 AM–9:30 PM
Friday 11 AM–10:30 PM
Saturday 11 AM–10:30 PM
Sunday 11 AM–9:30 PM


If this is your business and the information needs updating or you’d like to add or change some images, please contact us and we’ll happily take care of it.

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