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Kaizen Fitness Health and Wellness

Business Info:

More than just a fitness center; they are a community dedicated to guiding individuals on a transformative journey towards lasting well-being. At Kaizen Fitness, their approach centers around personalized training plans and balanced nutrition, empowering each member to achieve their unique goals. They believe in the power of accountability and foster a supportive environment where every triumph and challenge is celebrated together. With their unwavering commitment to continuous improvement and sustainability, they strive to lead Hackensack and Bergen County in embracing fitness as a lifelong, enjoyable, and inclusive pursuit. Join them today and discover the Kaizen difference!

Opening Hours:

Monday 6 AM–8 PM
Tuesday 6 AM–8 PM
Wednesday 6 AM–8 PM
Thursday 6 AM–8 PM
Friday 6 AM–8 PM
Saturday 6 AM–2 PM
Sunday 6 AM–8 PM



If this is your business and the information needs updating or you’d like to add or change some images, please contact us and we’ll happily take care of it.

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