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MOB Pizzeria & Burgers

Business Info:

This unique eatery offers a fresh and innovative approach to pizza-making, providing customers with an exciting dining experience. MOB Pizza takes pride in its artisanal, customizable pizzas that cater to every individual's taste buds. Pizzas inspired by popular mafia members and media! It is the go-to for a fun outing where the atmosphere is animated and vibrant.

Opening Hours:

Monday 11 AM–10 PM
Tuesday 11 AM–10 PM
Wednesday 11 AM–10 PM
Thursday 11 AM–10 PM
Friday 11 AM–12 AM
Saturday 11 AM–12 AM
Sunday Closed

If this is your business and the information needs updating or you’d like to add or change some images, please contact us and we’ll happily take care of it.

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