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Paula's Soulfood Cafe

Business Info:

At Paula's Soul Food, we invite you to savor the rich history and heritage of Southern cuisine, lovingly passed down through family recipes that have stood the test of time. From golden-fried chicken that's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside to creamy macaroni and cheese that's the epitome of comfort, each dish is a heartfelt homage to the soulful tastes of the South. Indulge in our signature collard greens, slow-cooked to perfection, or the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of our cornbread, a beloved staple that's both timeless and satisfying. Our warm and inviting atmosphere beckons you to gather with loved ones and relish in the flavors that evoke feelings of nostalgia and warmth. Paula's Soul Food is more than a meal – it's a journey through the heart and soul of Southern culinary traditions that's sure to leave you with a smile and a satisfied heart.

Opening Hours:

Monday 11 AM–9 PM
Tuesday 11 AM–9 PM
Wednesday 11 AM–9 PM
Thursday 11 AM–9 PM
Friday 11 AM–9 PM
Saturday 11 AM–9 PM
Sunday 11 AM–9 PM


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