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New art installed in Atlantic Street Park

Grabbing Some Peace

We’re so proud to bring the latest to you in our Creative Placemaking efforts. Working together with ArtsBergen / Northern New Jersey Community Foundation, we’ve secured “Grabbing Some Peace” – a lifelike bronze sculpture by Seward Johnson that will be on display through September.

Does being with nature cause you to see the world differently? What do you discover? Do you feel differently? Seward Johnson often highlights the moments we pause, rather than the many hours that we work or actively play.

Dance Prompt from Outlet Dance Project – Dance with a Bike! What moves us? Where is stillness in motion? How can we move with what moves us? How do we negotiate our own mobility while collaborating with an object with mobility at its core? What and where are our brakes? How do we connect with our need for things to pause, stop, come to standing? How do we encounter something that we are used to completely anew?

Link for more information:  https://sewardjohnsonatelier.org/sculptures-home/

From modest to grand, budget-friendly to high-end, effective creative placemaking draws crowds. Vibrant spaces lure in businesses, residences, schools, and more, as people gravitate towards lively communities.

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