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A Quick Lunch Meeting Honoring Police Officer Revi.

The MSBA put together a quick lunch meeting to recognize the tremendous work of PO Revi over the past year. Well respected and liked by property owners and business owners alike, PO Revi is Main Street’s ambassador to the Police Department.

The HPD Director told us PO Revi exceeded expectations, and in recognition of his work, the Police department has moved him into a greater role. In this new role, PO Revi is leading the Office of Community Partnerships and Engagement. The MSBA is thrilled with this announcement and looks forward to working more closely with PO Revi and the entire Hackensack Police Department.

Attendees from the Main Street Business Alliance included John T. Peters, Eric Anderson, Luis Ortiz, Jerry Lombardo, Jason Some, and Marco Howington. In attendance from HPD were Director Ray Guidetti, Captain Michael Antista, Lt Allan DeLeon, and PO Arauki Revi.

(Note: In case you couldn’t tell from the picture, we ate at Greek Island Grill.)

This article has been tagged with: HPD

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